Executive Hires/Departures at Goldman Sachs and Implications for Recruitment

Aug 23, 2024

Goldman Sachs, one of the most prestigious investment banks in the world, has recently made several strategic executive hires that reflect its evolving priorities and the broader trends in the financial services sector. These hires are not just about filling positions but are part of a larger strategy to navigate the complex and competitive landscape of global finance. This article explores the most notable recent hires at Goldman Sachs, the factors influencing these decisions, and offers insights for executive recruitment teams.

Notable Recent Executive Hires/Departures

  • Peter Mintzberg – Grayscale Investments CEO Peter Mintzberg, who previously served as the Global Head of Strategy for Asset and Wealth Management at Goldman Sachs, was recently appointed as the CEO of Grayscale Investments. Mintzberg’s move is significant as it underscores the increasing crossover between traditional finance and the rapidly growing cryptocurrency and digital asset sectors. His extensive experience at Goldman, where he led strategic initiatives, makes him a valuable asset to Grayscale as it seeks to expand its footprint in the crypto space.
  • Kerry Burke and Eddie Rubin – Mid-Market Investment Banking In a move to bolster its mid-market investment banking operations, Goldman Sachs hired Kerry Burke and Eddie Rubin from Evercore and Lazard, respectively. These hires align with Goldman’s strategy to diversify its revenue streams and expand its presence in the mid-market segment, an area that has seen increased competition. By bringing in seasoned professionals with deep industry connections, Goldman aims to capture more deals in this lucrative space.
  • Brian Steele – DTCC President of Clearing Agency Services Brian Steele, a veteran from Goldman Sachs, was recently appointed as the President of Clearing Agency Services at DTCC. Steele had spent nearly two decades at Goldman, where he held senior-level positions, including Managing Director of the Americas Client Coverage Group and Global Head of Client & Market Solutions. His move to DTCC highlights the trend of senior executives leveraging their extensive experience in one of the world’s leading financial institutions to take on leadership roles in other critical areas of the financial infrastructure.

David Solomon’s Hiring Philosophy Beyond specific hires, it’s essential to understand the broader hiring philosophy at Goldman Sachs, as articulated by CEO David Solomon. In a recent interview, Solomon emphasized the importance of grit, determination, and the ability to learn from failures as critical attributes for success at Goldman. While intelligence and academic pedigree remain important, the firm increasingly values soft skills and diverse experiences. This shift indicates Goldman’s recognition that a more holistic approach to hiring can yield long-term success and resilience in a rapidly changing financial landscape.

Recommendations for Executive Recruitment Teams

Based on Goldman Sachs’ recent hires and broader hiring strategy, here are five recommendations for executive recruitment teams:

  • Embrace Industry Crossovers: Recruitment teams should actively seek candidates from adjacent industries, such as technology and digital assets. As demonstrated by Peter Mintzberg’s move to Grayscale, executives with experience in traditional finance can bring valuable insights to emerging sectors.
  • Focus on Mid-Market Opportunities: As seen with the hires of Kerry Burke and Eddie Rubin, expanding into mid-market segments can provide significant growth opportunities. Recruitment teams should identify and attract talent with deep connections and expertise in these areas to capitalize on untapped markets.
  • Leverage Experienced Talent: The appointment of Brian Steele at DTCC highlights the value of seasoned executives with extensive experience in top-tier financial institutions. Recruitment efforts should prioritize candidates who bring a wealth of knowledge and can lead strategic initiatives in new roles.
  • Cultivate a Supportive Culture: The hiring of Les Lukenas illustrates the importance of fostering a compassionate and inclusive work environment. Recruitment teams should not only focus on technical skills but also consider how candidates align with the company’s culture and values.
  • Prioritize Soft Skills and Resilience: David Solomon’s emphasis on grit and determination underscores the growing importance of soft skills in leadership roles. Recruitment teams should develop assessment processes that evaluate a candidate’s resilience, adaptability, and ability to thrive in challenging environments.

Goldman Sachs’ recent hires and evolving recruitment strategies offer valuable lessons for executive recruitment teams across industries. By embracing diversity, focusing on growth areas, and prioritizing soft skills, companies can build leadership teams that are well-equipped to navigate the complexities of today’s global economy.

For deeper insight on the financial services talent market, email David McInnis at Willard Powell: david.mcinnis@willardpowell.com.

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David McInnis

President & Founding Partner

David has two decades of global recruitment experience and is Founding Partner of Willard Powell. Prior to founding Willard Powell, David worked with Leathwaite International, a global executive search firm. Before his employment with Leathwaite, David worked for Wachovia Securities (now Wells Fargo Securities) supporting the firm’s Investment Banking & Capital Markets Technology group. David is a graduate of Lasell College in Newton, MA, where he received a Bachelor of Science in Business Management with a concentration in Management Information Systems. David also serves as a Trustee on Lasell’s Board.